Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mono's and Polly's

Ever Question why you're not happy in your relationships?  These could be the reasons.

I believe there are two types of people in this world.  Those who can be in a one on one relationship, and those who need just a little bit more.  \

These two types of people can be classified in to one of these two words.

Polyamory - or better known as poly, or as I like to call them Polly's.  Polly's need to have more than one love either of the same, or different sex.  They tend to believe that love/sex can be shared with multiple partners at the same time.  This ins't anything new to our society as we see in most relationships today people are dating more than one person at a time.  This practice isn't new either. For thousands of years kings and queens of multiple regions would have multiple lovers simultaneously.

I don't know how religiously schooled you are, but many religions and cultures today practice being Polly's by having multiple wives/husbands.  One example of a Polly religion is being Mormon.

If you are unsure as to whether you may be a true Polly, or not ask yourself these questions.

Have I cheated in most of my past relationships?

Am I currently cheating in my current relationship?

Do I always wonder what it would be like to have multiple partners at once?

Do I prefer having multiple partners at once?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, don't be mad be glad.  You just discovered something new about yourself.  And it's always best to be honest about who you are.  Plus there is a 100%  less chance you, or someone else will get hurt if you are true to yourself.

Monomores - or as I like to call them Mono's.  They are true to one, and one alone.  They have NEVER, NEVER cheated on their, or any of their partners.  And they never will/do.

There isn't much more to say about them.  It's not say they are better than Polly's everyone is different, and most people go through their lives trying to live as mono's but always have the urge to want someone else.

There is nothing wrong with this as long as you are up right and truthful about it before you actually cheat on your significant other first.

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