Monday, May 12, 2014

A Deep Sea Diver

I looked into deaths face and I said, “I love you.”
Deaths eyes looked back and replied, “I love you too.”

The Chronicles of A Deep Sea Diver
By Priscilla Burt

You want to know why there is wind when you drive because you are going against nature.  Look, just when you stop, nothing, but fresh air and cool breezes to put your stressful mind at ease.

I’m done with societies bullshit.   If this means I’ll have to wait until everyone is out of the house, or asleep in their beds to finally be me then I will.  I’m done with all this sick shit about technology.  Yes, technically I am using it right now, but only because it seems to be the only tool I have left.  I have love and my body, which I will use to benefit me as well.  If this means not going to the dentist tomorrow than I wont.  I’m done with all the sick karma life is throwing at me.  I didn’t do anything wrong, but fall in love with a man I thought I could adore, but because he changed me back into the person of fortitude I could not hold on any longer.  I’m done with him as he with me.  Yes this means I just was broken up with.  As many of us our broken up with in life… We can’t explain it, but we try to and as I sit here today in my bed starring out my window and listening as technology goes on by I wonder to myself… “When will it all end?”  Not life of course, but the very fabric of our beings that binds us to this world of sin.  I don’t like money and I don’t like technology.  It’s people who misuse it yes, but if we get rid of it, it will help us move along a lot quicker don’t you think?

Love is my philosophy.  Love is my intake on life.  

A queen
Married to sea
Married to me
Revealed in love
Torn like a glove
I want to be a dove
So I can fly
To the top of the sky
To dance on the footprints
Of sad sorry peasants
And tell them I love them
For all being a gem
This is who I am
A loving being
That is winning.
A garden,

with men and women.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Charles and I

Sorry I have not posted in so long.  I found love the other day, or what I should say is it found me.  It was 4/20 weekend and just an overpowering sensation of love and affection overcame me...

It started previously in the weeks before, but the weekend really heightened my self awareness of the fact that love exists in the most powerful and expressive way ever!!!!

I was blown away, by it's power to make me feel invincible like I was on top of the world!! You can say it was the drugs and booze if you want, but I know for a fact it was not.

Love is a powerful traveler.  It travels many light years and eons of space and time to come to us.  What we fail to realize is, it is already hear.  Inside our very being.  Our very soul.

Charles is in the other room... I'm on the couch.  I decided to sleep here tonight.  He didn't make me, or tell me to.  I just decided all on my own.  He's being such a dick!!!

In case you are wondering who Charles is, he is my boyfriend, or was my boyfriend until ten, or so minutes ago when I said, "No wonder you are O-Negative" and walked out of the bedroom.

I met him over the weekend and we just clicked... You could say it was the fact that I was bare ass naked, or you could say it was the fact that he just had a hard on at that point, either way he made the first move and I took the 2nd...

Now this brings us up to date, when earlier as in like 6:00 p.m. on May 1, 2014 he said he would never marry a woman who had been a hooker, or any other woman of the night for that matter.

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!

LIKE WOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man can be such assholes sometimes.... I don't care that I am writing this right now.  I don't care if he likes it, or not.  He's a fucking DICK!!!!!!!!!!

We can all be judgmental at times, FUCK I am being judgmental right now, but someone needs to say something....  I am not just going to just let this one hang in the balance.  He has tipped the scale too far baby and hun it is not pretty!

Men can't just say stuff like that and get away with it.  Correction, no one can say that and get away with it.... Yes forgiveness is key.  Yes love is the answer and I have been approaching the conflict with ease and generosity, but when he goes and asks me if I was ever one and is all serious like it is some big deal I am like what??????!!!!!!!!!! what the %$#****!)@)  did you just say???????????????????

Guys should not be using that tone with their girls and vise versa.  I am not a judging person... I have had my moments, but overall I am very calm and peaceful when it comes to issues I find crucial to investigate and solve in order for this world to be a better place for us all...

I know, I know I am writing way more than I initially intended.  The thing about me you should really know is that I am up for anything as long as it is a safe and wise decision.

Just read this poem and then go to bed already!

Me and Charles are fighting

He is being judgmental
He is not letting me touch him.
He is making me feel less like a friend and more like an inanimate object.

When he’s not in the mood we can’t have sex.
He sounds like a stuck up prick with his head up his ass.
I hope he fucking cries himself to sleep.

I am crying myself to sleep almost.
He made me cry earlier…
I didn't tell him.
He said he was sorry.

He was judgmental and cruel.
And not in a joking manner.
If he was he wasn’t specific about it.
I think it is over for us.

It’s been almost two weeks.
Isn’t that the deadline for most relationships?
With me in it?

I guess so…
I just want to curl up in a ball
And wither away.
I have chills running up and down my arms
From writing this.

I’m sleeping on the couch.
My choice.
Maybe it’s just me not accepting him,
But don’t you see…

I am the one who is changing for him
I am the one who decided this.
Who made a wish and instead
Received no kiss.

I’ll probably tell him just to drop me off
At Rachels tomorrow.
Mom and Dad will be up Sunday and just can go home with them.

I don’t want it to be this way, but
Charles is giving me the hint he wants me gone.
He wont work with me and when he does
It feels like it is for his own personal benefit
Rather than mine.’

Oh tide winds flow
I am slow
I try my best
And he resists.

I hear the sounds of bell ringing,
Chiming along the corridor.
Where does the love conquer?
In babes and las

In the heartbeat of a man ashamed
Yet unashamed to admit his
Unfaithful touch.

When the pain comes out through
The coldness of the night creeps inward
Bound by cordless ropes.
Tightened by bonds of steal titanium.

Hold on to these words of rhyme and rhythm
Don’t loose faith, or hope.
From now on be a brand of justice and prestige.

Don’t hassel and negate.
Don’t lead into temptation the patterns of hesitation.
This is what all fail to realize.

They are strong and dim witted
They are bold and don’t like to be told.
They are sold for ransom in the cold.

A place where fools and sages go
To be alone.
Is a sad thought.
So why is it so tough.

Hurting someone who can’t be hurt.
Saying something that can't be said.
Flying with tides on winds
And listening to the sound of trumpets soar

With a mighty roar the lion gives
It’s may and the winds have rained.
You ask for the sun and give it.
You ask for the words and say it.
You ask for my affection and I give it.
You cry tears for me and I wipe them away
With my sorry self.

I ask for love you give me a hug.
I ask for talk you give me Iceland
What is in your hand?

Not mine I say.
Without a word
Or a sound
Or a touch
You fade
Fade away softly.

I don’t ask for much.
In fact I ask for nothing at all.
All I have to offer
All I have give
All I have to say for
All I have to die for
All I want in life
All I need is life
All is for nothing
And everything for something
Is what I have to give?
Is what I have to receive?

There are many answers to lives questions.
There are many hardships on ones own compromise,
But with these times comes a greater urgency.
A urgency for lust that turns to dust.

Don’t let this be your maker.
Be who you set out to be.
See the world and don’t hesitate.
Don’t hold back.

Life is about love.
Love is life.

Priscilla B.

In dedication to her time spent with Charles Edward Kennish II and her hope he would love her just the way she was instead of making her out to be someone only an ignorant reflection would see.

I don't know what is going to happen with me and Charles I have hope that he will come to his senses, but if it is me who has faltered than I will gladly pay the price... No more meat for me?  No more chains of glory... I can't adapt to everyones wishes... I must set my own seal and be real.